
I am today, who I dreamt of being years ago...
...if you know, you know
I remember having an imaginary friend who was a little yellow duckling named Ducl (pronounced doo-sel...I would boldly announce to anyone who looked remotely interested).
I drew, painted, crafted, designed, told stories, invented. I star-gazed; figuratively and also literally, with a telescope I built from a kit.
I was the kid with the radio under the covers to see how far reaching I could get the AM to pick up. Oh when I got my first short wave and could listen to the WORLD; so amazing, that was!
I traveled in my own head; to places real and more often to places made up.
Then adulting happened. Funny thing then, you start to see all that stuff I just told you about as frivolous, impractical, foolishness. No exception here -- but down inside, just waiting for the right time where it didnt seem quite so silly or irresponsible to venture back to pure creativity, was that muse. It sounds ridiculous writing about it in that way, but sometimes you put your true self away to fit better into all the other spaces. I tried, but in my head, and my heart I still had the dreams...
The muse is restless. She wants to be heard, seen...she wants to make and create.
The internet now exists -- the world is open to be experienced like we'd never imagined under that duvet. Access to all the learning; experiences beyond belief, right on your home turf if you like. The Big Pause brought time to explore...now we do it for reallies.
I opened the box...& let out the muse...